"Kamrupi culture" refers to the cultural norms of people of Kamrup.
Old Kamrupi, a dialect of Eastern Magadhi Prakrit, developed in Kamrup and later transformed as modern Indo Aryan language of Kamrupi, in early second millennium common era. This language is sole literary language of entire north east India, until mid nineteenth century as well as lingua franca of learned man, parallel with Sanskrit language.
Traditionally primary religion practiced by Kamrupi people is Hinduism. Yuan Chwang, who visited Kamrup in middle of seventh century, found no trace of Buddhism and noticed Deva temples scattered in hundreds. Cultural development of Kamrup is influenced by Hindu way life, which is evident in day to day life of its people. Kamakhya temple is referred to as the heart of Kamrup in different Puranas and other epics.
Kamrupi literature as written form begins as copper plate seals and other inscriptions of Kamrupi kings, as well as Charyapada, an major work in Eastern India. Lauhityapada, Minanatha, Hema Saraswati, Ananta Kandali, Haribara Vipra, Rudra Kandali and Bhattadeva are well known Kamrupi literateurs.
The noticeable development of architecture commenced with Kamrup Kingdom in first millennium. Royal buildings, temples and homes are earliest known examples of Kamrupi architecture.Architecture
Kamrupi Lokgeet are traditional folk songs sung from immemorial
times, depicting different aspects of life like wedding, lullaby and
even for mosquito driveout.