Monday, February 13, 2012

Ancient caves discovered at Gauhati

A rock cut cave with an array of historical findings has been discovered in the Kalipur, Umachal Area of Gauhati. The cave is in it’s interior measuring 6.26x5.02 metres. 
The cave was discovered by some children who were playing near by the area. The cave was covered by thick jungle. After cleaning bushes, the century old cave came to the sight of people.
Visiting the cave site, Director of the Archaeology Department informed TSI – “The rock inscription dated back to 400-500 AD. It is thought that the inscription of the cave was done during the tenure of King Mahendra Varman (470 - 494 A.D) of Kamarupa Kingdom (3 - 12 A.D). Assam Archaeology Department will take necessary action to protect this cave.
An official of State Archaeology Department said that the cave was the temple of Balabhadra swami. According to her two pieces of a broken stone bowl measuring 16.5 cm in diameter has been found inside the cave. Official also informed that a floral carving measuring 76x73x16 cm has also been seen drawn on the rock surface. 
The Kalipur and Umachal area of greater Gauhati was the epicenter of Tantric Practices from very ancient time. Several historical monuments have been discovered in this locality.