Friday, July 26, 2013


Ārya  is self designation, of ancient people from Aryavarta. This tribe speaks Vedic Sanskrit and Classical Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit in later periods.


Arya is Sanskrit word which means "noble".


The term Aryavarta means "land or abode of Aryas". Arya's are chariot riding people, advancing from lands much further north, to Aryavarta. Before reaching Aryavarta, they lay siege to and conquer the forts of another tribe. This forts are defences of indigenous people. It is surmise that Arya advancement lead to sudden disappearance of Indus Valley Civilisation.

Aryas and indigenous people

There is sharp social divisions between Aryas and indigenous people, due to cultural and religious differences. This lead to development of system of Varna's, akin to classes.